Friday, September 5, 2008

FaithBuilder Friday

I have recently started reading for enjoyment, again. I used to read voraciously as a teenager and young adult...but somehow I lost that over the years. Still not a bookworm, but I have been enjoying it. thought I would recommend a series to you: AD Chronicles, by the Thoene's. This is one of my favorite series of all time- and highly, highly recommended...I would love to make it required reading for all Christians. This takes the life of Christ- and makes it readable for the average person. They do not change history, and the research is impeccable. What they do is take the accounts from the points of view of others in the story- like the blind begger that Jesus healed, the centurion who pleaded for the healing of his servant, and the shepherds who witnessed the angels sing. Imagine delving into their thoughts and feelings! Very cool!!

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