OK, I have to point out Patter's new challenge series. Remember, last year she hosted the incredible Scripture Memory Verse Challenge. I loved that!! I didn't get to play every year- but I am hoping to add a few more cards in this year, as she replays it.
This year, Patter is hosting a Names of God Challenge. This is so cool! Every OTHER week, she gives us an attribute of God. We get to scrap about it. This week was HOLY. What a great chance to do a little study on the word Holy, talk to God a bit about it...then scrap our thoughts on it! Now, I actually have my Payer Journal set up in a 3 ring binder. (Decorated- of course, lol). This lets me set up sections the way I wanted. I mention this, because I have a section in my Prayer Journal for 8 1/2x 11 layouts I scrap on topics the Lord and I are working on. I have found it an incredible time of learning and growth, as We scrap together...and I love looking back over our lessons, too! My Names of God pages are going straight into this section!!
Be sure to hop over and check out
Triple the Scraps for more info!!