So, guess what we're doing a little differently? Yup- Layout of the Week. I was talking to my assistant editor last week and had a duh moment...ever have those? I have way too many! Anyway, we were talking about the troubles with the gallery- which we are working on fixing, btw- hang in there with us---and the Featured Layout of the Week. She said I shouldn't worry about choosing ones that were only in the gallery- and I actually had to think this through--well, how was I going to see them if they weren't in the gallery---DUH! I go looking, and you can send me submissions. So, starting this week, you never know where I might pop up- never know what fun layout might get chosen. I might see you in another gallery or blog- or you feel free to send me your submission via email- ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview.com----just be sure to mark it Featured Layout.
So, this week's Featured Layout is this stunning layout I found on the Salt Challenge Blog. If you have never visited--why not?! Seriously- love them, love that the challenges are done by card and altered artists as well as layout artist. This is Kimberly's work: Freedom. I am totally loving the picture and the colors of this! I love how the blue jumps out at you, and how her cutie just seems to be striving toward the Word...like he understands it is the ONLY thing that will set him free. Too cool! Kimberly, drop me an email, please...I need to get you set up with your free issue.