Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Christmas!!
Merry Christmas!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Layout of the Week
Friday, December 19, 2008
FaithBuilder Friday
I had to share this- it is amazing! I love Casting Crowns- they are one of my favorite groups. So, when I heard this song, I fell in love!! Hope this helps remind you of the Reason!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Chime In!!
Around our house, we have a lasagna dinner, head to church, watch the movie The Nativity, and just spend the evening together. Lovely!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Ideas, please!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Page Prompt
Monday, December 15, 2008
Layout of the Week

Saw this one, and loved it!! I love the Music sheets and the flourishes. I love the black and white...but, most of all- I love the Spirit involved!! I love that she is praising God through her music and her scrapping!! Awesome!
Congrats, Rhonda, for being this week's Featured Layout of the Week. If you will drop me a note at ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview.com I will get you started with a free month of the magazine!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Welcome Blog-o-Loggers!!

Today, we are doing something just a little different. Today, we are the stop on the Scrapbook News and Review blog-o-log. We are thrilled to welcome all of our guests, and invite you to take a look around! SNR is pleased to host a monthly column about and for faithbooking. We are thrilled to be able to offer ideas, and encouragement, to others who are looking to add their everyday faith into their every day albums. Our blog, A Faith Perspective, is our extension of that column. We have put together a bunch of Faithbooking resources for you, including eye candy, page prompts and ideas, links to fellow Faithbooking blogs and challenge sites...and more!!
Today, I thought I would break with the norm, and give you a little peak into SNR. Here is a peak at one of the projects featured in this month's column: Christ in Christmas. For more great ideas, projects, and tips, be sure to give us a visit!!
Today, I have decided to point you over to the FaithSisters. They have had the niftiest set of Christmas challenges going on over there- it is an entire series. The series, itself, is a story...so, if you do the whole thing, you will have quite the keepsake!!
AND!!! And, my dear readers...I want to invite all of you to Playtime at the Pole- and All day crop being hosted by Scrapbook News and Review--TOMORROW!! It is going to be great! We have games, challenges, fun and prizes--all for you!! Be sure to stop by!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Featured Blog of the Week
Paper Princess at Play
Congrats, Tanis for being this week's Featured Blog of the Week!! If you could drop me a note at ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview.com I have a cute little blinkie I would love to send you! Thanks!!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Scrapbook News and Review is UP!!
This month, A Faith Perspective is Christ in Christmas. This column was filled with ideas for altered projects and goodies--all designed to help you keep the focus for the holiday where it is supposed to be!! There are Advent Calendars, altered goodies, ornaments, and tree ideas. Be sure to Come See!!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Layout of the Week

I love this layout- and I mean every part of it! The shape is so pretty, the thickers add great shimmer...and the journaling touches my heart!! What an awesome reminder!
Congrats, ScrapperMom- you are this week's Featured Layout of the Week!! If you can send me an email at ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview.com I will get you set up for a free month of the magazine. Thanks!!
Friday, December 5, 2008
FaithBuilder Friday
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Chime In!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Featured Blog of the Month
Congrats, Julie for being this week's Featured Blog of the Week! Drop me a note at ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview.com and I have a cute little blinkie for your blog I would love to send you!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Guess what's happening...
Scrapbook News and Review
Monday, December 1, 2008
Layout of the Week

It's December, and I needed a Christmas feature today...look what I found!! This gem was in the FaithSister's Gallery- stunning, isn't it?!! I love the edging, the layers...all of it is Magic!
Congrats, Saffiertje, on being this week's Featured Layout of the Week. Drop me an email at ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview.com and I will get you set up for a free month of the magazine.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!!
A Faith Perspective will be taking the week to celebrate. I look forward to seeing each of you right here, next week!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Friday, November 21, 2008
FaithBuilder Friday
Some Thanksgiving Funnies
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Chime In!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Featured Blog of the Week
Congrats, Jane, for being this week's Featured Blog of the Week!! Drop me an email at ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview.com and I have a cute little blinkie for your site...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Page Prompt
Monday, November 17, 2008
A Call for Faith Based Pages
*Pages or projects dealing with Resolutions- making resolutions for the new year, decisions you have made concerning your Spiritual walk, or Commitment pages concerning a Spiritual issue that you are working on.
* Pages or projects that show a year in review, or year end pages. Pages that take stock of where you are, where you are going, or where you want to be going spiritually.
The details:
--All Pages/projects should be submitted by Nov 28th.
--Images should be no larger than 550 pixels on the longest side
--Image names should include card name and your name...For Example: Happy Birthday by Mary Smith.jpg
--Please include complete supply list in submission
--Please include contact information.
--Pages may be previously seen. If chosen, we respectfully request they be removed from any blogs or galleries. An 'Out for Publication' sign will be provided upon request.
--send submissions to: ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview.com
Friday, November 14, 2008
Faithbuilder Friday
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Chime in!
Do you pray for your child's future spouse's? Are you actively praying for the spouse that God will raise up- that He already has in mind for your child? (Not be name, but for their character, their faith, etc)?
Leave a comment, I would love to know!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Featured Blog of the Week
Courtney- congrats, you are our Featured Blog of the Week! Thanks for being out there, providing a safe haven on the web...and shining His light while you do it!!
Created by Courtney
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Page Prompt
Monday, November 10, 2008
Featured Layout of the Week

How cool is this?! I found this over on the SALT Challenge blog. Yeah, I love their challenges, too. Ruth did this for the Hope challenge. I love it! The color, the 3d aspect, the embellishments...just so fun!! Great job!
Congrats Ruth, you are this week's Featured Layout of the Week!! Drop me an email at ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview.com and we'll get you set up for a free month of the magazine.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Faithbuilder Friday
Crosswalk: Marriage
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Chime In!!
Remember- to play along, just leave a comment to this post...I have a great time reading all your answers and getting to know each of you a bit better!!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Featured Blog of the Week
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Page Prompt
1) It's therapeutic for you to get it out, and prayerfully work through it with God's help and insight.
2) It is important for our family (read children, and perhaps the unchurched) to see that marriage- and a Christians life, in general, is not all romance and fairy tales.
So, please- give it a go...and show us what you come up with- I know I would be encouraged to see your pages!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Layout of the Week

Here's another one that is not a layout= but a project...and a grand one, at that! Gail posted this one for a challenge over at Scrap of Faith...and I fell in love! How fun is this?!! I love the pictures mixed in with the bouquet...and what a great way to remember and celebrate your friends!
Congrats, Gail, for being this week's Layout of the Week...drop me an email at ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview.com and we'll get you set up for a month of SNR.
Friday, October 31, 2008
FaithBuilder Friday
The Many Names of Christ
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Chime in!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Featured Blog of the Week
Congrats, Keleia for being this week's Featured blog of the Week! If you shoot me an email at ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview.com I will send you a cute little blinkie for your blog.
Keleia 4 Him
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Page Prompt
Monday, October 27, 2008
Featured Layout of the Week

I have the perfect layout for this week...as we are headed into the Thankgiving season! Lythan has done this for the challenge over at SALT...and I am in love! Loving the colors, and the masked butterflies are awesome!!
Congrats, Lythan, for being this week's Featured Layout of the Week. Send me an email at ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview.com and I will get your free month of SNR started!
Friday, October 24, 2008
FaithBuilder Friday
Christianity Today: Marraige
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Chime In!
Come on, leave a comment and Chime In!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Featured Blog of the Week
Congrats, Ruth, for being this week's Featured Blog of the Week!!
Artful Ramblings
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monthly Challenge
"Ask scrappers when they got their start and many will say when they got married. Logical, isn’t it? Marriage is the start of a new life together; it makes sense to start chroniciling that life. But, if the only thing you scrap about your marriage is your wedding, you’re missing some great, God-given opportunities!"
I would encourage anyone to stop by the magazine and read the column this month, for great- hands on ways to scrap your marraige, enrich your commitment to your spouse, and encourage your beloved in a very real way!!
Meanwhile, the challenge for this month is to scrap a page about your spouse. Tell them how you feel, encourage them, or remember why you love them. It will encourage both of you, I promise!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Featured Layout of the Week

Found this one in the gallery over at Scrap News. I was just so tickled that someone used one of my page prompts!! What a cute layout, too- love the brown and pink together- a favorie combo of mine. And the corregated look with the spray of glitter- great contrast!!
The author on this one was AlwaysHope- so congrats on being this week's Featured Layout of the Week!! Contact me at ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview.com and we'll get you set up for a free month of Scrap News!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Faithbuilder Friday
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Chime In!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Featured Blog of the Week
Congrats, Gianna- A Place to Praise and Craft is this week's Featured Blog of the Week!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Page Prompt
This week, your challenge is to choose a favorite promise verse- one that reminds you that God will see you through the hardtimes- and scrap it. Even if you are not going through a hard time right now- just the reminder verse can be an encouragement and testimony!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Layout of the Week

I don't think we have ever had a card for LOTW...and it is high time we fix that!! We have some awesome cardmakers out there- making some very encouraging and uplifting cards!
I have been in Christmas Card making mode lately- so when I saw this card from Judy Rozema, I fell in love! I confess, I am a sucker for layers and texture...and this card just feels so rich!! She also did an awesome job coloring it. Just a great card!!
Congrats, Judy! You are this week's Featured Layout of the Week!! Contact me at ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview.com and we will get you set up with a free month of Scrapbook News and Review.
Friday, October 10, 2008
FAithbuilder Friday
Rarely are Christians given the choice of good, life affirming...faith affirming movies. So when one pops up...it deserves a mention!! Here's an excert from Christianity Today's Review:
The story this time concerns a firefighter named Caleb Holt (Kirk Cameron) whose wife of seven years, Catherine (Erin Bethea), wants a divorce. Caleb is ready to give up on the marriage altogether, but his father, John (Harris Malcom), gives him a book called The Love Dare and challenges him to follow its steps before throwing in the towel. Since Fireproof has been endorsed by a plethora of marriage ministries, you can pretty much guess how things will turn out. But the Kendricks earn their resolution this time; instead of dropping miracles and messages from God on their characters, they keep the story focused on the Holts and driven by the choices that the Holts make.
For more of the review, check here.
Just something to think about the next time your family is choosing a movie...
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Chime In!
So, along that line of thought...when does your family decorate for Christmas? Real Tree, or artificial?
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Featured Blog of the Week
Congrats to I Scrap N Stamp for being this week's Featured Blog of the Week!!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Featured Layout of the Week

This week's featured layout is even a topic we've talked about here at AFP- why do you faithbook? I firmely believe in using our family albums to Glorify God, to teach His lessons, and and to recognize the ways God has been faithful in our daily lives. That's me... here is the layout Lucy did to answer this question. Isn't it a beauty?! I love all the textures and flowers!
Friday, October 3, 2008
A Call for Holiday Cards and Projects
-Christmas, Winter and winter Holidays...bring on the holiday cheer!
-Thanksgiving- including cards, table scapes, placecards, etc
-Welcome cards
-Thank You cards
-Anniversary Cards
The Details:
--All Cards should be submitted by Oct 12th.
--Images should be no larger than 350 pixels on the longest side
--Image names should include card name and your name...For Example:Â Happy Birthday by Mary Smith.jpg
--Please include complete supply list in submission
--Please include contact information.
--Cards may be previously seen. If chosen, we respectfully request they be removed from any blogs or galleries. An 'Out for Publication' sign will be provided upon request.
--send submissions to: ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview.com
The Details:
--All Projects should be submitted by October 12th.
--Images should be no larger than 350 pixels on the longest side
--Image names should include card name and your name...For Example:Â Happy Birthday by Mary Smith.jpg
--Please include complete supply list in submission
--Please include contact information.
--Cards may be previously seen. If chosen, we respectfully request they be removed from any blogs or galleries. An 'Out for Publication' sign will be provided upon request.
--send submissions to: ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview.com
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
WCD Winter Wonderland Card Crop

Scrapbook News and Review Presents...
WCD Winter Wonderland Card Crop OCT 4th
Scrapbook News and Review is ringing in the holiday card making season in a grand way! World Card Making Day is Oct 4th, and we at Scrapbook News and Review are inviting you to join us for a full day of cardmaking fun! There will be tons of games, challenges, and fun banter in the forums. Our galleries will be open for inspiration, including a new gallery filled with tons of holiday cheer. We will be showing a complete look at all the major holiday releases this year. There will also be fun guest sponsors and hosts, and fun prizes, too...definitely not to be missed!
Ready to get your holiday cardmaking started? Want to see the fun Winter Lines the major manufacturers are debuting this season? Want to make some new friends, and maybe win a few prizes? Make plans to join Scrapbook News and Review (www.scrapbooknewsandreview.com) on Oct 4th for an all day Card Crop.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Faithbuilder Friday
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Featured Blog of the Week
Congrats FaithScrappersUK at being this weeks Featured Blog of the Week!!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Featured Layout of the Week

I love this layout...love any layout done on kraft paper. I am so partial to kraft papers. I just think everything pops of the page! I love the wings she added to this, and the touches of red. WTG!!
Congrats, Rowena for being this week's Featured Layout of the Week!! Drop me an email at ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview.com and we'll get you set up for a free month of SNR!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Happy Half Birthday!!

The 6th- yes, 6th issue of Scrapbook News and Review is up and ready for your reading pleasure. Everyday, I see threads and conversations on the forums about the lack of content in the popular scrapping magazines. Can I just say: CHECK US OUT!! SNR has literally hundreds of projects, dozens of articles, a complete card section,and tons of altered projects and mini albums. Not to mention product reviews, tutorials, even a monthely feature that tours cool scraprooms. How fun is that?! And, it bears repeating: Pay for one month- you get EVERYTHING we have ever published for that month!!! Check it out!!
Scrapbook News And Review
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Featured Blog of the Week
Crafting Magic
Monday, September 15, 2008
Featured Layout of the Week

It's been a while since I highlighted an altered project...and I LOVE altered work!! I love the idea of pieces that show our faith out and about for others to see and handle!! This piece is stunning...take a look at all of the detail Suse has put into this. I love the colors and the layers- I mean---WOW!!
Congrats, Suse, on being this week's Featured Layout of the Week. Send me a quick note at ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview.com and we'll get you set up for a free month of the magazine. Just in time, too- *Wink*...the new issue publishes WEDS!!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Faithbuilder Friday
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Featured Blog of the Week
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Page Prompt
Monday, September 8, 2008
Featured Layout of the Week

I was peaking through the gallery at SNR, and look what I found! Love this one--what a great word for the year. Or anytime. I really like the stitching and the way Gail split the paper on this. Great job, Gail...and thanks for sharing with us!
Congrats to Gail for being this week's Featured Layout of the Week. Gail, if you could email me at ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview.com I'll get you set up for a free month of the magazine.
Friday, September 5, 2008
FaithBuilder Friday
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Chime In...and HELP!
I actually want you guys to write my column for this issue. I want to compile a column filled with reader's ideas on how to celebrate the holiday. So your question this week: How does your family keep Christ in Christmas? Do you have any special traditions? Have you made any special items to help with this? Let's hear it... your idea might even end up published in November's issue!!
PS- you just have to know the call for next month is going to be Christmas related, right? Here's you 'sneak peek': I will be looking for your Christmas related layouts, cards and altered projects that keep Christ in Christmas. Get your thinking caps on!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
A Call For Layouts
Scrapbook News and Review is looking for
your Faith based layouts for its monthly column: A Faith Perspective.
This month, we are specifically looking for faith based layouts dealing
with marriage, your spouse, foundations of marriage, etc. What does
your marriage mean? Where is God in your Marriage? How is your spouse a
blessing to you? These are a few of the questions your layout might
choose to address.
The Details:
--All layouts should be submitted by Sept 12th.
--Images should be no larger than 550 pixels on the longest side
--Image names should include layout name and your name...For Example: Happy Birthday by Mary Smith.jpg
--Please include complete supply list in submission
--Please include all journaling typed out in your submission email
--Please include contact information.
--Layouts may be previously seen. If chosen, we respectfully
request they be removed from any blogs or galleries. An 'Out for
Publication' sign will be provided upon request.
--Please send to: ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview.com
Come on, Ladies and Gentlemen...send me those lovely layouts!!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Chime In!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Featured Blog of the Week
Congrats Lythan!
Slightly Squiffy
Monday, August 25, 2008
Featured Layout of the Week

Isn't this the coolest layout?! I love the photo- (could someone please tell me how to get that lighter look without overexposing?!), but I also love the way she framed the photo. And the journaling is just so cool, I am going it so that you can read it:
I don't wanna be a flame
I wanna be a raging fire.
Words from my favorite song by Ginny Owens.
Recently, I have become aware of just how much I want this,
No. . .I need this to be the way that I live. Everyday.
I don’t want to just go through the motions.
Be mediocre. Take things for granted.
I want to live life passionately.
Give my self completely to all that I do.
I wanna be a raging fire.
Awesome, right?!! What a blessing this layout was to me!! Congrats, Paula, on being this week's Featured Layout of the Week!!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Chime In!
No question for me, that has been my Dear Sister. I am blessed beyond measure, no doubt!!
Leave a comment and let us know- who has been yours?
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Featured Blog of the Week
Congrats at being this weeks Featured Blog of the Week!!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Page Prompt
Monday, August 18, 2008
Featured Layout of the Week

OK- what is there not to love about this layout!! I mean- it is just so pretty- from the wonderful layers, to the sewing, and even the cardboard is such a wonderful textural touch!! And how sweet does her dear little girl look?! If only we could all learn this important lesson, right?!
So, congrats, Anne-Marie at being this week's Featured Layout of the Week!! If you could contact me at : ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview.com we'll get you set up for a free month at Scrapbook News and Review.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Faithbuilder Friday
Names of God
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Chime In!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Issue 5 is LIVE!

Issue 5 has published!! And in it you will find over 300 projects, cards,and layouts...not to mention countless articles, tips and tricks, product reviews, organizational ideas...and this month's Faith Column!
This month, we are talking about finding God, learning about His grace and His character, through nature. I have included tips and tricks, and several wonderful ideas to get you started. Want a peak? Sure you do! Well, here you go:
It’s that time of year. It’s warming up, the sun is
shining and people are headed outside. It’s time to think about
vacations, swimming, picnics and other outdoor fun. It’s time to think
about the One that created that outdoors, too. There’s so much to learn
and see of our Creator by enjoying what He made. It’s all right there,
evidence of His love, artistry, creativity, thoughtfulness, imagination
and so much more.
As scrapbookers, it’s so natural for us to
include events in our albums. This summer, let’s think about including
some natured inspired praise as well. Nature included in our scrapbooks
can do so much: praise, teach, and even allow us to explore the
personality and character of the Creator.
This month, our challenge here at AFP is to find God in Nature. Go outside, take some pictures, and create a wonderful layout. I know you have it in you! Then share it!! We want to see it, too!!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Featured Layout of the Week

This is just an awesome layout- from the colors to the words...love the flowers and the butterflies- Tracey just nailed it!! More than that, I am in love with the challenge that she has given over at a Scrap of Faith. sometimes seeing the beauty inside ourselves- the way that Christ does, is an incredibly difficult thing to do. I would encourage everyone to go on over to a Scrap of Faith and join in!
Congrats, Tracey, at being named this week's Layout of the Week! If you could send me an email at ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview.com we'll get you authorized for a free month of the magazine.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Chime In!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Featured Blog of the Week
Congrats, JackieAnn. You are this weeks Featured Blog of the Week!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Featured Layout of the Week

OK, I totally love this layout!! The cool blues, the incredible photo, the lovely swirls and tags. In every way, Hazel managed to capture the mood of the message she was scrapping. Totally fabulous!! This was done for the Freedom Challenge over at SALT Challenge blog- really worth a visit, btw.
Hazel- incredible layout! Congrats on being this week's Featured Layout of the Week!! If you could send me an email: ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview.com with your user name at SNR, I'll get you authoriized for your free month of the magazine.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Chime In
This week's question: How old were you when you accepted Christ and were saved?
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
This Month's Calls
Scrapbook News and Review is looking for you card creations.
September's Issue will feature Back to School Cards in every shape and
variety. We want to see your cards for kids, your Teacher cards, any
school themed card you can think of!
Other Card themes:
*GrandParent's Day
*Simple Sentiments
*Just Because
*Cards featuring embossing--dry or wet
*Cards using sheers/transparencies
The Details:
-Cards due by Aug 23rd.
-Must include complete supply list
-Must be 350 pixels on longest side
-Please include contact info
- Cards may be previously seen. If chosen, we respectfully request
they be removed from any blogs or galleries. An 'Out for Publication'
sign will be provided upon request.
Send submissions to: ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview.com
Scrapbook News and Review is looking for your Faith based Layouts.
This month's theme deals with scrapping your difficult moments. Life
isn't all about the good times, and our scrapbooks should reflect that,
too. Have you gone through a difficult season in your life? A time of
trial or testing? We would love to see the faith based pages you have
done that deal with this.
The Details:
-Layouts are due by Aug 23rd
-Must include complete Supply List
-Must include journaling typed out
-Please include contact info
-please size to 550 pixels on longest side.
-Layouts may be previously seen. If chosen, we respectfully request
they be removed from any blogs or galleries. An 'Out for Publication'
sign will be provided upon request.
Send submissions to: ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview.com
Featured Blog of the Week
Congrats Lorrie...your blog: Ramblings from a slightly demented SAHM's mind is our blog of the week. (OK, who loves the names as much as me?!)
Monday, July 28, 2008
Woo-Hoo!!! I have the BEST Announcement!!

OK- onto LOTW- I love the energy and movement in this---it just feels young and fresh. Theresa was tryng for a joyful expression--and she definietly succeeded!! HERE is the LOTW-- Congrats, Theresa!! Drop me an email (ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview.com) and I will get you your free month of the magazine!!
PS--I will add Theresa's lovely layout into the side column and slideshow in a day or 2...but until then....CHECK OUT THE GALLERY, lol!!
ETA: Added in Theresa's wonderful layout!!
Friday, July 25, 2008
FaithBuilder Friday
The concept is simple- you tell them an artist or song you like, they build a 'station' just for you...it streams music to your desktop, that you get to customize. Like Chris Rice, build a station. It will play Chris, and others like him. You tell Pandora whether you like the song, by clicking a thumbs up or down--and it customizes the station even more. I have to say- it's pretty darn good. I've only hit like one song I didn't like.
Imagine the fun, though--listen to your favorite Christian artists---and discover more just like them, at the same time. Give it a try!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Chime In!
This week: What is your favorite Christian song or Hymn?
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Featured Blog of the Week
Congrats, Terrie. Your blog is the Featured Blog of the Week.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Weekly Prompt
This month, we are talking about out spiritual heritage in the Faithbooking column. Your page prompt is this: Do a page about your grandparents. Were they a spiritual influence for you? Why or why not? If you did not know your grandparents, reflect on that, as well....don't be afraid to pour your heart out before God in your pages. After all- He knows it anyway!!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Layout of the Week 7/21/08

So, who said Layout of the Week had to be a layout? Hey- we are a non partial scrap blog, here!! We love cards and altered goodies, too...and I instantly fell in love with this little tin Megan at Scrap of Faith made!! Love the colors, love the Fruits of the Spirit Book she made for the inside. It is just so cute--and what a great way to put these verses into your hands...or your children's hands! Congrat's Megan--you our this week's Layout of the Week!!
ETA: I had a request to see the original for more details...sounds fair. Here is a link to Megs gallery at A Scrap Of Faith. Her project is easy to find....
Friday, July 18, 2008
FaithBuider Friday
Anyway, this blog is chocked full of really pretty photography from her trips and wanderings around the country....and some really cool devotional articles. She has an easy writing style, that makes her fun to read, too. You need to stop by for a visit...but take a cool drink and get comfy--you'll be there a while!!
Faithful Journeys
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Featured Blog of the Week
Congrats, Lara...your Scrappy Kea has been named Featured Blog of the Week!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
A New Month-- A New Issue!!
The Faith Column this month is called A Heritage of Faith...and I must, as always, give the credit to God for this. I am not a writer, it is not my profession, and never an ambition. When God opened the opportunity for this column, I knew it was going to be awesome---because He was the one who was going to be doing it! He gets all the glory--because I could do none of this without Him...and this article was no exception. I just really feel like He gave me the words for this, so it was a joy to write! Here, take a peek:
July is such a natural time for those of us in
freedom. We remember the groundbreaking idea that democracy is and we
celebrate the freedoms that others fought to give us. It is, therefore,
a natural time for us to think about our religious heritage as well.
Whether you are in
perfectly orchestrated the details and people in our lives that have
brought us to Him. What joy, not only to remember them, but record
their stories and our histories in our scrapbooks for future
generations to be influenced also.
The article goes on to give practical, hands-on tips and tricks for interviewing members of your family....even a list of questions to get you started. Of course, there is beautiful art to give you ideas, too.
Our challenge this month, is to do a heritage layout for a faithful member of your family, or tell about the heritage of faith that you would like to leave for your family. As always---share it with us!! Link it here, and we'll come take a look...or email it to me at ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview to have it considered for Layout of the Week.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Featured Layout of the Week 7-12-08

So, guess what we're doing a little differently? Yup- Layout of the Week. I was talking to my assistant editor last week and had a duh moment...ever have those? I have way too many! Anyway, we were talking about the troubles with the gallery- which we are working on fixing, btw- hang in there with us---and the Featured Layout of the Week. She said I shouldn't worry about choosing ones that were only in the gallery- and I actually had to think this through--well, how was I going to see them if they weren't in the gallery---DUH! I go looking, and you can send me submissions. So, starting this week, you never know where I might pop up- never know what fun layout might get chosen. I might see you in another gallery or blog- or you feel free to send me your submission via email- ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview.com----just be sure to mark it Featured Layout.
So, this week's Featured Layout is this stunning layout I found on the Salt Challenge Blog. If you have never visited--why not?! Seriously- love them, love that the challenges are done by card and altered artists as well as layout artist. This is Kimberly's work: Freedom. I am totally loving the picture and the colors of this! I love how the blue jumps out at you, and how her cutie just seems to be striving toward the Word...like he understands it is the ONLY thing that will set him free. Too cool! Kimberly, drop me an email, please...I need to get you set up with your free issue.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Faithbuilder Friday
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Featured Blog of the Week
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
A Few Calls
The Faithbooking Column: A Faith Perspective is looking for your faith based layouts with a nature theme. Anything from a butterfly to the whole of the great outdoors, if your layout is praising God for His Creation, we want to see it.
The Fine Print:
1.All submissions are due to me by the 21st of July.
2.All submissions must include a complete supply list, and contact information.
3.Cards should be 350 pixels on longest side. Layouts should be 550 pixels.
4.Mail all submissions to ahouse@scrapbooknewsandreview.com
Monday, July 7, 2008
Featured Layout of the Week 7-7-08
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Featured Blog of the Week 7-02-08
Congrats Hope, on being this week's Featured Blog of the Week!!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Weekly Prompt
Monday, June 30, 2008
Featured Layout of the Week 6-30-08

I've got to say, I love everything about this layout from Alisa. The colors are awesome, the pictures are perfect...and I am a sucker for that soft, swirly, flourishy look! Great job, Alisa...and congrats!!
A reminder, if you are having problems posting to the gallery- and most people are- feel free to link us up to your work here...we would still love to see it!! And, I would be happy to 'travel' to find the next LOTW!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Featured Blog of the Week 6-25-08
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Weekly Prompt 6-24-08
Monday, June 23, 2008
Featured Layout of the Week 6-23-08

This week's layout is such a perfect example of a dedication page. It just answers the question, why faithbook so perfectly...not to mention, it is just plain gorgeous!! I love the way the photo is cut in half, and this child is darling! I believe this is Kristi's work, but do let me know!! Remember to label your layouts as you upload them, so we all know where the credit goes, lol! Congrats on being Layout of the Week!!
Speaking of uploading---we know the gallery is having some real problems....I could bore you with the techie details, but I won't. It will be fixed soon- promise....actually, it will be replaced soon- woohoo!! Till then, if you all want to leave a comment on this post linking us to your faith layouts, we would still love to see them! And, I would really love to give everyone a chance to participate!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Featured Blog of the Week- 6/18/08
Joy in a Jar
Congrats, Judy, on being this week's Featured Blog of the Week!!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
A New Column- A New Challenge

This month, our column in Scrapbook News and Review Talks about what influences us as Christians. Here's a peek:
The Children of God live in an interesting state-- in the world, but not of the world. We are to influence our culture but not be influenced by it. Not an easy tightrope to walk, but we have been called to this, nonetheless. Wondering whether you have been influenced by the culture you are living in? Ask yourself these questions: how many commercial jingles can you quote or finish? How many top 40 hits can you hum along with? What movies do you want to see this weekend? It would be foolish for us, in this media age, to believe that we have not been influenced by that which surrounds us. The question becomes: What is influencing us for Christ? What are we exposing ourselves to for the betterment of our faith? And, what has influenced us to such a degree as to warrant notice in our scrapbooks? As scrapbookers, it makes perfect sense to acknowledge, explore, and even chronicle those books, songs, movies and characters that have affected our lives and our faith. For the rest of the column...
This month you challenge is: I want to encourage you to do a page or project based on a favorite book, movie, character, or song. Share with us the influence it has had over your Spiritual development. Be sure to upload it to the gallery, for your chance at being Featured Layout of the Week at A Faith Perspective.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Featured Layout of the Week 6-16-08 AND- WOO HOO!!

I love this cheerful layout from Gail Comber. What's not to love? Its so cheerful, and the colors are so vibrant! I love the piecing of the journaling together, too. I will say, you guys did not make it easy for me- great week in the gallery! Congrats to Gail Comber for being this week's Featured Layout!!
And, the Woo Hoo...The June issue of Scrapbook News and Review has been posted...and this just keeps getting better and better! There are over 200 layout, cards, mini albums and projects...including some rocking submissions for the Faith column! And, did you know, we always keep 3 months of content posted and handy? That means, for $4.99 you get 3 months of magazines...I mean- can you beat that deal?!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Featured Blog of the Week 6/11/08
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Weekly Prompt 6-10-08
Monday, June 9, 2008
Featured Layout of the Week 6-09-08

Ok, I have a confession...I've been saving this layout to feature. Can you blame me? considering this month's challenge is to do a layout on your family- this is perfect! This layout was submitted by Karma. I love the black and white color, and the lovely, graphic feel, too. Great job, Karma, on being this week's Featured Layout of the Week!!
Friday, June 6, 2008
FaithBuilder Friday

This week, we are looking at a resource perfect for mom's of preschoolers- though there are some great resources here for older kids, too. MOPS is Mother's of Preschooler's and is a Christian support group. They have a magazines, a resource center chocked full of articles and ideas, and advice for starting a MOPS group in your area. If you never have, I would advise you to check it out...Great Tool!!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Featured Blog of the Week- 6/04/08
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Weekly Prompt 6-03-08
Monday, June 2, 2008
Featured Layout of the Week- 6/02/08

Holly has sent in a lovely layout for us to look at! I am loving the clean, graphic lines of this. And, really, how cute is her daughter!! Thanks for the submission! If you could contact me with your name and email address, I would like to make sure you get proper credit...and your free issue of Scrapbook News and Review!!
Keep sending in that eye candy, ladies!! And, I will make an offer- I know that while our gallery is having technical troubles- and it is being fixed!- uploading can be touchy. If you would like to email your layout and info to me, I would be happy to upload it for you. Send to: afaithperspective@gmail.com and be sure to include the subject as Add to the Gallery. Be sure to include your name, too!! Thanks!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
A Call for Faith Based Layouts
Details: Send to: afaithperspective@gmail.com by 6/21/08. Submissions should be 550 pixels on the longest side, and include a complete supply list. Please type out all journaling. Remember to include contact information.
We look forward to seeing your work!
Friday, May 30, 2008
FaithBuilder Friday
This site reviews all of the major releases- even including the R rated ones. It gives you a very objective review- like any other major review source. But, then it goes a step further- it has a box on the bottom of every review for discussion starters- how to talk to others about what you've seen- using it to build/develop faith. And the most useful- it has a box called for the family- where it lists anything- and I mean anything a parent might find questionable for their kids. Even things like bathroom humor are included. What a great tool for making an informed decision. No more suprises in the theater with this resource!!
Christianity Today: Movies
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Featured Blog of the Week- 5/28/08
And, remember- don't be shy...send in your blogs so we can all enjoy and be blessed by them!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Featured Layout of the Week 5-27-08

Ok, I have a confession to make...I LOVE Terrie's work! She is absolutely one of my favorite scrap artists...I mean her Joy of the Lord positively radiates out from her work!! This layout is a perfect example- the colors are awesome, the sentiment is perfect...and I love that blue balloon, lol!!
Congrats to Terrie Logan for being this week's Featured Layout of the Week!! Remember to upload your work to our gallery for your chance at being featured...and winning a free issue of Scrapbook News and Review.
Friday, May 23, 2008
FaithBuilder Friday
This verse puzzled some women
in a Bible study and they
wondered what this statement
meant about the character and
nature of God.
One of the women offered to
find out the process of refining
silver and get back to the group
at their next Bible Study.
That week, the woman called a silversmith and made an
appointment to watch him at
work. She didn't mention
anything about the reason for
her interest beyond her curiosity
about the process of refining Silver.
As she watched the silversmith,
he held a piece of silver over
the fire and let it heat up. He
explained that in refining silver,
one needed to hold the silver in
the middle of the fire where
the flames were hottest as to
burn away all the impurities.
The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot; then she thought again about the verse that says: 'He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver.'
She asked the silversmith if it
was true that he had to sit there
in front of the fire the whole time.
The man answered that yes, he
not only had to sit there holding
the silver, but he had to keep
his eyes on the silver the entire
time it was in the fire. If the silver
was left a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed.
The woman was silent for a
moment. Then she asked the silversmith, 'How do you know
when the silver is fully refined?'
He smiled at her and answered,
'Oh, that's easy --
when I see my image in it.'
If today you are feeling the heat
of the fire , remember that God
has his eye on you and will keep watching you until He sees His
image in you.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Featured Blog of the Week 5-21-08
Remember to send in your favorite blog links- even your own- for a chance to be featured.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
It's HERE!!!!!
I am also very excited about the faith column this month. The topic deals with adding faith into your scrapbooks for the sake of your family. It is a commitment that helps us to grow in our walk with the Lord...but imagine literally placing your faith into the hands of your children...or, even your non-believing family members. There are several reason why, and many benefits- I would encourage everyone to take a look at this month's column.
This month our challenge is to show your families. If you’re going to add your faith into your scrapbook for your family, you should start by showing them. Do a layout telling why you want to do this for your family or simply thank God for the family He has blessed you with, and send us the link or add it to the gallery. We would love to show and share your work!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Featured Layout of the Week 5-19-08

I have to say, you guys are not making this easy for me!! You all have totally rocked out the gallery this week- I mean there is some beautiful eye candy in there! But, I am totally in love with this layout...I love the perspective on the photo, the oh so pretty swirls and flourishes- and, of course...the sentiment!! Sally, this is a stunning layout!!
Now, a friendly reminder...PLEASE include your first and last name in either your title or your description when uploading to the gallery. I know this layout is from Sally over at a Scrap of Faith...but I don't know anything else. :-( Sally, if you could contact me, I want to get you set up with your free issue of Scrapbook News and Review!! (And, you want this, too- the new issue is dropping pretty much as we speak!)
Keep uploading to the gallery, everyone! How fun to see it growing...and of course, this gives you a chance at winning a free copy of Scrapbook News and Review, too!
Friday, May 16, 2008
FaithBuilder Friday
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Featured Blog of the Week 5-14-08
"We are a diverse group of card makers, scrappers and altered art fans from across the world who have been brought together through our love of Jesus Christ and our desire to express our faith in creative ways.Once every two weeks we will produce work based on a challenge which we hope will inspire you to produce work of your own - and we would love to see it.So that we can all know Jesus more clearly; love him more dearly; and follow him more nearly, each and every day."
Congrats to Salt for being this week's Featured Blog- and keep shining that LIGHT!!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Weekly Prompt 5-13-08
Remember to upload your work to the gallery for all of us to see and admire!!
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." Gal 5:22
Monday, May 12, 2008
Featured Layout of the Week 5-12-08

What a perfect layout to feature just after Mother's Day!! JackieAnn Williams did this beauty in honor of a 3 generation tea- her daughter, her and her mother. I have got to say, this is just the cheeriest paper, and all the flowers are so yummy!! What a special memory...and we are so grateful you shared it with us!! Congrats, JackieAnn, on being this week's Featured Layout of the Week!!
Now, some really exciting news!! Katie would like to award every Featured Layout with a free issue of Scrapbook News and Review...how awesome is that?!!! So, want to see what all the buzz is about? Want to get lost in days worth of reading and great art?! Get those layouts in here!! (And remember- if you already have this month's issue...we'll give you next month's!) So, upload those layouts to the gallery for your chance at this great magazine!!
Friday, May 9, 2008
FaithBuilder Friday

Ok, this week is more just a fun resource...but it's a timely one, too!! I want to introduce you to Dayspring Cards. This is a Christian greeting card company. They have a fun section of e-cards, too. Just in time for Mother's day...while you might have made Mom a great card- an email is always fun, too!! So, go- have fun!!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Questions Answered...
The Faith Gallery at SNR is for any layout, card or project that has your faith reflected in it. Prayers, wishes, verses, praise, worship...so many things fall into this category. It is NOT just for our challenges and prompts- we would love to fill this gallery! I mean- let's rock this out and make it huge!!!!!
Yes, ANY blog that gives God glory, praise, and honor can be listed o our blogroll. This is not just for challenge blogs- do you love Jesus? Do you mention that on your blog? Well, there you go!
Now, a reminder: Column 3's call for layouts is closing on the 10th. This is for any layouts that share what music, books, movies, etc have influenced your faith. Got a layout that features song lyrics? This would be the type of layout I am looking for.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Featured Blog of the Week- 5/7/08
Congrats, Dahlia, on being this week's Featured Blog of the Week!! Everyone, remember to send in your blogs for a chance to be featured, as well!!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Weekly Prompt: 5-6-08

Mother's Day is Sunday- are you ready? Your 'prompt' or page start idea is to remember Mom in a layout. Tell her, or others, what she meant to you, the influence she played in your life...or even the Mom you wish to be. There are many ways you could go with this- be creative!!
When you are done, be sure to upload your work to our gallery so we can enjoy it, too!!